Police Warn Against Video Of Armed Terrorists Speaking Hausa

Posted by Samuel on Thu 27th Jun, 2024 - tori.ng

However, the Force Spokesman, Muyiwa Adejobi, stated that the video was created in 2018 and recirculated recently to incite panic among Nigerians.

The Nigeria Police Force (NPF) has warned against the dissemination of an outdated video showing armed terrorists, intended to instill fear and anxiety in the country.

In the widely circulated video, the armed terrorists can be heard speaking Hausa.

However, the Force Spokesman, Muyiwa Adejobi, stated that the video was created in 2018 and recirculated recently to incite panic among Nigerians.

In a statement he signed, Adejobi warned those responsible to stop spreading false information.

According to Adejobi: “The Nigeria Police Force hereby addresses a trending video depicting a group of persons suspected to be armed terrorists carrying assault rifles with a commentary in the Hausa language that has recently gained significant attention and caused widespread concern.

“After thorough and detailed videographic analysis conducted by the NPF Cybercrime Centre, it has been confirmed that the video in question was originally created and circulated on May 28, 2018. Our findings reveal that the video was recently reposted with a misleading narrative with the deliberate intention to cause unnecessary panic and disruption within the country.

“While urging the public to remain calm and avoid spreading unverified information, the Nigeria Police Force issues a strong warning to individuals who engage in the deliberate spread of false information, an act that is irresponsible, criminal and punishable under the law. Such actions can cause significant harm, incite panic, and destabilize our country.

“The Police assure that anyone found to be involved in the creation or dissemination of misleading content will face the full extent of the law.

“We encourage everyone to rely on official channels for accurate updates and to report any suspicious activities or content to the authorities.”

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