Five Feared Dead As Gunmen Attack Ebonyi Police Station

Posted by Samuel on Thu 27th Jun, 2024 -

One of the sources, Mr Tony Nwori said the gunmen arrived at the police station with two cars and started shooting sporadically in the air.

On Wednesday night, June 26, the Ishieke Police Division in Ebonyi local government area of Ebonyi State came under heavy attack by unknown gunmen.

During the gun duel, five of the unknown gunmen were reportedly killed by the police.

Daily Post reports that the incident started around 9:30 pm with heavy shootings, forcing residents into hiding.

One of the sources, Mr Tony Nwori said the gunmen arrived at the police station with two cars and started shooting sporadically in the air.

He said the gunmen engaged in a gun duel with the policemen on duty in front of the station for over 30 minutes, before other security operatives came for reinforcement.

According to another source, the situation later drew the attention of more security operatives, including the Army, who came in their numbers to apprehend the hoodlums.

The source said, “they continued shooting sporadically on the air while moving to Odomoke Ishieke market along Nwiboko Obodo road in Ebonyi Council Area”.

All efforts made to get police confirmation proved abortive as the Police Public Relations Officer, Joshua Ukandu’s phone number was not reachable, and he has not yet replied to the text message sent to him as of the time of filing this report.

Meanwhile, a viral video showed some of the suspected hoodlums shot dead.

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