Woman Who Set Mother Ablaze In Ondo Begs For Forgiveness

Posted by Samuel on Wed 26th Jun, 2024 - tori.ng

Oluyade told an Ondo Chief Magistrates’ Court that there was nobody to cater for her son and husband, whom she said were both sick.

Abiodun Oluyade, a 40-year-old woman, who killed her mother by setting her ablaze after pouring petrol on her, has sought to be forgiven.

Oluyade told an Ondo Chief Magistrates’ Court that there was nobody to cater for her son and husband, whom she said were both sick.

She said it was the devil that pushed her to commit the crime on June 13th, 2024 at about 7 am at No. 1, Okedoko Street, in Ondo town.

Her 86-year-old mother, Olawanle Oluyade, who was badly burnt, died a few days later while receiving treatment.

A pastor had reportedly told the suspect that her mother was behind her predicament and that she would only be freed upon her mother’s death.
She sought to be forgiven when she was arraigned before the court but her plea was not taken.

She said: “It was the handwork of the devil, although something told me to do it and I will be free. Please forgive me, my son and my husband are sick. There’s nobody to take care of them.”

Police prosecutor, Inspector Moremi Akao, informed the court that the offences contravened Section 315 and were punishable under Section 319 of the Criminal Code Cap 37 Volume 1 Laws of Ondo State of Nigeria, 2006.

Presiding Magistrate, Mosunmola Ikujuni, remanded the suspect to a Correctional facility pending advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

She adjourned the case to August 5, 2024, for DPP’s advice.

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