How A 67-Year-Old School Proprietor Allegedly Siphons NECO Fees In Ibadan

Posted by Samuel on Wed 26th Jun, 2024 -

The prosecutor, Philip Amusan, told the court that the defendant allegedly committed the offence between September 2023 and June 2024, at the aforementioned school.

On Wednesday, Segun Oyedepo, a 67-year-old man, who is the owner of Fedeco International College, Ibadan, was docked in a Grade ‘A’ Customary Court in Ibadan for allegedly embezzling money meant for the National Examinations Council, NECO for students.

Oyedepo, who pleaded not guilty, is charged with theft and obtaining money under pretence.

The prosecutor, Philip Amusan, told the court that the defendant allegedly committed the offence between September 2023 and June 2024, at the aforementioned school.

Amusan alleged that the defendant fraudulently obtained N1.7 million which was meant for about 13 students’ NECO registration.

He alleged that the defendant obtained the money from one Hammed Olayode and 12 others to register the students but failed to do so.

Amusan said the offence contravenes the provisions of Sections 419 and 390(9) of the Criminal Laws of Oyo State, 2000.

The Court’s President, Mrs Sukurat Yusuf, admitted the defendant to bail in the sum of N2 million with two sureties in like sum.

Yusuf held that one of the sureties must be a relation of the defendant and have evidence of two years of tax clearance and then adjourned the case until July 19 for hearing.

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