Lady Gets Tattoo of Davido And Chioma to Celebrate Their Wedding (Photos)

Posted by Thandiubani on Wed 26th Jun, 2024 -

The excited fan got the tattoo of Davido and wife to celebrate their wedding.

A Nigerian lady has celebrated Chioma and Davido's wedding by tattooing the couple on both arms.
The diehard fan was happy that the lovers eventually got married.
Recall that Davido's wedding took place yesterday in Lagos.
The wedding which held in a lavish ceremony in Lagos on the 25th of June witnessed the presence of many important celebrities and public figures.
To celebrate with them in their joy, this star struck fan decided to make a permanent tattoo on each of her arms, one of Davido and the other one of Chioma.
See the photos of the lady’s tattoo below
Here is how netizens reacted
@AfamEze412767 commented: “The people who got married did not tattoo them selves on their body. But you who they don’t know at all got husband and wife tattoo on your body. For what exactly? just to go viral? TUFIA”
@LagosPresidentt asked: “Your mama and papa no deserve tattoo for your body? Ode. 😂”
@AlambaJugu noted: “It is important to have a father figure in your life”
@dimakles_ wondered: “What if they divorce”s
@Ishow_leck stated: “At big 2024 in her age, she’s still doing this rubbish. Loving someone doesn’t equate having them as tattoo, you just want unnecessary attention everywhere.”
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