Ban On Alcoholic Sachet Drinks Has Not Been Lifted - NAFDAC

Posted by Amarachi on Wed 19th Jun, 2024 -

According to her, the ban imposed on sachet alcohol is a ministerial directive and the ban remains effective until the Minister says otherwise.


The ban on the sale and consumption of sachet alcoholic beverages in the country is still in force.

This was confirmed by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC).

The Director-General of NAFDAC, Professor Moji Adeyeye, made this known during a press briefing in Lagos State on Wednesday.

According to her, the ban imposed on sachet alcohol is a ministerial directive and the ban remains effective until the Minister says otherwise.

She said, “The ban on sachet alcohol is a ministerial directive and the ban still remains until the ministers respond. The meeting last week Thursday is a continuation of the discussion.

“The outcome of the meeting is that the ministers should write a memo to the Speaker (of Reps) and the House (of Reps), and the Representative of the Speaker, Prof Jake Dan-Azumi then said we should continue the discussion after the recess of the House members in July. So, the discussion continues.”

Recall that the deputy spokesman for the House of Representatives, Philip Agbese, had last Friday disclosed the House and NAFDAC resolved to lift the ban on the sale and consumption of sachet alcoholic beverages in the country.

Agbese said the resolution to lift the ban temporarily was arrived at after a meeting between the House Committee and NAFDAC officials.

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