Don't Leave Politics For Politicians Alone - Vice President Shettima

Posted by Amarachi on Fri 14th Jun, 2024 -

According to Shettima, politics is too important to be left to the politicians alone, and enterprises that define the economy are too important to be left to the businessmen alone to develop, hence the need for strategic collaboration.

VP Kashim Shettima

Nigeria's Vice President, Kashim Shettima has called for collaboration between the government and business leaders to enable a thriving economy.

According to Shettima, politics is too important to be left to the politicians alone, and enterprises that define the economy are too important to be left to the businessmen alone to develop, hence the need for strategic collaboration.

The Vice President made the submission on Friday while speaking at a gathering of top industrialists at the Heirs Holdings Group Directors’ Annual Summit Dinner in Abuja.

He called for synergy, open dialogue, shared insights, and collaborative work between the government and business sectors to develop solutions tailored towards Nigeria’s realities.

“Politics is too important to be left to the politicians, and enterprises that define our economic destination are too important to be left to the businessmen alone to develop,” he said.

“Collaboration between the public and private sectors is the ingredients of a thriving economy. We must engage in open dialogue and share insights and work together to crop solutions that are peculiar to our realities. Whether it is tackling unemployment, reducing poverty, or enhancing education and healthcare, our partnership must aspire to drive sustainable development and create a safe future for all Nigerians,” he added.

Earlier, the Chairman of Heirs Holdings Group, Tony Elumelu, reaffirmed the group’s commitment to the philosophy of Africapitalism and empowering young entrepreneurs across the continent.

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