Naira’s Appreciation: Emulate NNPCL CEO, Kyari And Lower Price of Your Products – Shehu Sani Tells Dangote, BUA, Others

Posted by Thandiubani on Wed 27th Mar, 2024 -

Sani said it is commendable that Kyari kept to his words as the NNPCL has adjusted and lowered the pump prices of its products.

Former lawmaker Senator Shehu Sani has challenged businesses in Nigeria to lower prices of their products.
He specifically called out Aliko Dangote and other captains of industries to emulate Malam Mele Kyari, Group Chief Executive Officer of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited, NNPCL.
Sani said it is commendable that Kyari kept to his words as the NNPCL has adjusted and lowered the pump prices of its products.
In a post on his X handle on Wednesday, the former lawmaker also asserted that Nigeria’s national currency, Naira, is regaining its value.
He wrote: “Nigeria’s national currency is regaining its value. The NNPCL has adjusted and lowered the pump prices of its products. Mele Kyari has kept to his words; that is commendable. Dangote, Bua and other captains, Coaches and Goalkeepers of industry should emulate this and follow suit.”
Recall that Naira’s appreciation against the US dollar continued on Monday, exchanging N1,290 and N1,382.95 per USD at both parallel and official foreign exchange markets amid the Central Bank of Nigeria’s interest rate hike.
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