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Jesus Christ Has a Very Hot S*xy Wife in Heaven - Prophet Who Claims to Have Taken Photos of Heaven Insists

Posted by Samuel on Thu 07th Apr, 2016 -

A popular prophet who has been very much in the news for his outrageous claims about heaven is in the news again for obvious reasons.

Prophet Mboro
Prophet Mboro, the man who made international headlines last week after his followers claimed he was ‘abducted’ by God during and Easter service and taken to heaven is back in the news again.
Upon return, the man of cloth claimed he took pictures of heaven using his Samsung Galaxy S5 Smartphone, which has now gone allegedly gone missing.
According to Southern Daily, South Africa, in the first Sunday service which he gave, the Prophet described heaven to his followers.
The most outstanding of the revelations was that Jesus Christ, the Lord and Saviour of the Christian Religion, has a hot forever young ebony wife.
The Prophet said, “I saw heaven and it is a surprise. Jesus for example, has a beautiful Xhosa wife. She is young, hot, and extremely attractive”
Christians generally do not want to believe their lord had sex, as Leonardo Davinci claims in the Davinci Code
Indeed some historians have tried to say that Christ probably had a wife, and enjoyed s*xual relations with Mary Magdalene.
However, Mboro’s claims is most likely to spark a full scale controversy in South Africa and beyond.
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