BBNaija All Stars: Ilebaye Was Provoked - Former Housemate, Amaka Speaks

Posted by Samuel on Sun 06th Aug, 2023 -

Amaka said this while reacting to the altercation between Ilebaye and Ceec after the Saturday party.


Amaka Mbah, the former level-up housemate, has claimed that Ilebaye was provoked.

Amaka said this while reacting to the altercation between Ilebaye and Ceec after the Saturday party.

The duo has engaged in a heated argument which could lead to disqualification.

Ceec had confronted Ilebaye about her strategy but she abused her.

The duo verbally assaulted each other after which Ilebaye pulled Ceec’s wig and pushed her neck.

Reacting, Amaka said Ceec showed worse character during her season, ‘Double Wahala.

“That is provocation, these people provoked this girl, they are against her, let her be.”

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