One Year After Marriage, Woman Asks Court To End Her Marriage Because Her Husband Doesn’t Pray

Posted by Thandiubani on Fri 09th Jun, 2023 -

The civil servant, who appeared in court on Thursday, lamented over conflict in faith beliefs between she and the man she married last year.

A woman has filed for divorce one year after her wedding.
The woman, Mrs Wasilat Saka asked a Grade 1 Area Court in Kubwa, Abuja, to dissolve her marriage with husband, Tajudeen Jimoh over abandonment and neglect of religious obligations.
The civil servant, who appeared in court on Thursday, lamented over conflict in faith beliefs between she and the man she married last year.
Saka said they got married under Islamic Law on July 30, 2022, but Jimoh who claimed to be a Muslim, soon abandoned her for months while refusing to perform all Islamic rites.
According to the woman, the marriage is yet to produce any children and she does not wish to continue being his wife.
“My husband does not observe five daily prayers and does not observe Ramadan fast either.
“We always quarrel and fight; for these reasons, I beg the court to grant my request for a divorce,” Saka said.
Though Jimoh was absent during hearing, the court’s bailiff, Dangana Bawa tendered a proof that he was served the hearing notice.
The Judge, Ibrahim Rufai adjourned the case until June 13.
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