Miracle No De Tire Jesus - Nigerian Clergyman Jubilates After 'Bank Of Heaven' Supplied Him With The Redesigned Naira Notes (Photos)

Posted by Samuel on Sat 25th Feb, 2023 - tori.ng

According to the clergyman, he opened his Bible and found some of the redesigned notes.

A Nigerian pastor, Gosple Agochukwu, has taken to Facebook to rejoice after the "Bank of Heaven" supplied him with the redesigned Naira notes following the naira scarcity in the country.

According to Agochukwu, he needed cash to give to a family who had no bank account but couldn't get hold of any cash due to the current scarcity of Naira notes.

He said he opened his Bible and found some of the redesigned notes.

‘’Needed Cash to get something urgent and help a family without bank account but couldn’t find;

I opened one of my bible and found some new Naira notes.

bank of Heaven have supplied me already.

Miracle no de tire Jesus.''


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