Police Officers In Ilorin Allegedly Harass And Extort Man Because He’s Always Indoors

Posted by Samuel on Wed 07th Dec, 2022 - tori.ng

He said his friend's explanation that he works remotely fell on deaf ears, as the officers still allegedly extorted from him before releasing him.


Police officers in Ilorin have caused a stir after allegedly harassing a young man.

The police officers were accused of harassing and extorting a man simply because he rarely leaves his home.

A Twitter user who shared the story online said his friend moved to the outskirts of Ilorin three months ago. He said police recently stormed his friend's house to harass him after neighbours reported that he is always indoors.

He said his friend's explanation that he works remotely fell on deaf ears, as the officers still allegedly extorted from him before releasing him.

Read his tweets below...

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