See How Much Liz Truss Earned As UK Prime Minister for 44 days

Posted by Thandiubani on Fri 21st Oct, 2022 -

Following her shock resignation yesterday, the amount Liz Truss earned as Prime Minister has been revealed.

The amount UK Prime Minister, Liz Truss was paid for the 44 days she governed UK has been revealed.
It was gathered that she got £9,094 and also will get a severance payment of £18,860 despite being the shortest serving UK Prime Minister in history after ruling for just 44 days.
According to reports by The Mirror, Truss could also profit from a £115,000 annual salary.
The £115,000 annual salary – available to all ex-PMs – pays for their ‘special role in public life’ as well as the office and secretarial costs associated in a post-Downing Street world but does not cover personal expenses.
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has urged her to turn down the expected annual salary questioning Ms Truss’s eligibility for salary, known as the Public Duties Cost Allowance (PDCA), after such a brief spell in No.10.
But Government officials told The Mirror there is no minimum period a PM must serve for them to be eligible for the lifelong annual payment as previous leaders, such as Tony Blair and Sir John Major, both claimed the full annual salary payment of £115,000.
Gordon Brown requested £114,802 while David Cameron went for £111,457 and Boris Johnson, if he doesn’t return to No 10, will also reportedly claim the payment.
Sir Keir told ITV: ‘She should turn it down. I think that’s the right thing to do.

‘She’s done 44 days in office, she’s not really entitled to it, she should turn it down and not take it.’
MP Christine Jardine echoed this viewpoint and added doing so would ‘leave a bitter taste in the mouth of the millions struggling with spiralling bills.’ 
She added: ‘Truss’s legacy is an economic disaster – for which the Conservatives are making taxpayers foot the bill.
‘For Truss to walk off into the sunset with a potential six figure dividend, while leaving the British public to suffer, would be unconscionable"
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