Nigerian Lady Shares Photos Of Fake Mayonnaise She Bought In The Market

Posted by Amarachi on Tue 30th Aug, 2022 -

The lady who also shared some of the things she noticed on the fake and original mayonnaise, disclosed that she couldn't get a close look at the market because she was in a hurry.

A Nigerian Twitter user has taken to the microblogging platform to share photos of a fake mayonnaise she purchased in the market.

@_Ikwomma who also shared some of the things she noticed on the fake and original mayonnaise, disclosed that she couldn't get a close look at the market because she was in a hurry.

She Tweeted;

''So today I bought a fake Bama mayonnaise. I knew something was off when I got it but I was in too much hurry to take a close look till I got home. They were some differences between this fake and the original bama I’d want to share.

1) The original comes in a plastic, the other was in a bottle.

2)While the original has the stamp that says quality, the other doesn’t

3) Original Bama has its expiration date on the body, the fake has its expiration date on the cover

 4)I knew something was definitely off when it wasn’t sealed.

5)The fake was also a lot thinner than original bama which was thick

6) The original had this table that had the nutritional facts of Bama, the fake didn’t.

These are just the few I noticed, Wild things are happening, y’all should really be careful out there.''


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