Everyone has gone mad. The DSS acts like a rogue organization that’s above the law and hardly obeys court orders.
President Muhammadu Buhari hustled for over 12 years trying to be President of Nigeria with Nigerians thinking he has a solution, but after 7 years, he has proved to be a disaster.
Currently, Nigeria is in a state of quagmire, nothing works. Common electricity which should be the easiest thing any right thinking person should provide knowing that that is what can drive the economy, is still a luxury. I am personally afraid to use the roads because terrorists, bandits, kidnappers and police have made it dangerous. It’s either you get kidnapped or killed by these undesirable elements. The police given the constitutional right to protect citizens are the ones extorting, framing and abducting them.
You can’t even differentiate kidnappers from police officers. Police abduct innocent people, force them to pay huge sums or be wasted. Is it not some days ago that they arrested and detained a female student for buying contraceptives? The same individuals who traumatized that innocent girl are still officers of the police till today.
Everyone has gone mad. The DSS acts like a rogue organization that’s above the law and hardly obeys court order.
Unemployment is at a staggering rate. In fact, the worst gift Buhari gave Nigerians is the wicked tripling in the price of goods and services. Things we bought before now sell at three or even more the amount we bought them some months ago.
As the poverty capital of the world, no one is smiling. The lawmakers are still eating fat from their huge salaries and allowances. Our communities are so underdeveloped that the lawmakers we elected to build it spend years in Abuja without coming back to notice the deplorable state of roads in their constituencies. But, when election is around the corner, you see them frying akara; playing football with peasants; carrying little babies on their shoulders. But these satanic and cursed set of politicians will not focus on the one single work they were asked to do: work for the masses. They use funds for constituency projects to build mansions, buy fleet of cars that when you visit their garages, you will be wondering what other work they did to acquire such luxury. Our politicians are cursed and heartless.
How do you want to solve the insecurity issue Buhari failed woefully to tackle? Are you a progressive, do you believe in state police?
Write an essay, letter or something. Go to Arise, Channels, TVC or any national television and tell us practical steps you plan to execute when you become president. But, you and your generation will remain cursed if you fail to fulfill all you wrote like the APC did on restructuring.
I speak on behalf of every Nigerian, we are tired. You politicians have done us dirty and we cannot take it anymore.
If you want to be president, you must promise us that within three months of your administration, the country must be restructured. Power must be devolved and states must have enough funds to develop instead of depending on a busybody central government that has no idea of the problems of the people, giving states peanuts as its share of the cake. States must take a large share of what they produce if they must develop. The center must take less.
I am in my 30s, ten years ago I never believed things would be this bad. 2015 was far better. Things were still affordable.
If we make the mistake of electing the wrong person again, we might be condemned to an eternity of suffering. We need a young and dynamic individual who has attained success. A technocrat, businessman and scholar mixed in one. All these old men should go and rest IJN. They should retire, use the remainder of their lives to enjoy life, leave the issue of nation building to the young ones. You have been in politics for over 40 years and still things have worsened. Ejoo, please rest. Take your time and spend it with slay queens, we don’t mind. You see this 2023, it is not for your generation. They failed us woefully so bye.
Alexander Thandi Ubani