10 Die in Helicopter Crash in Siberia

Posted by Samuel on Thu 26th Nov, 2015 - tori.ng

A helicopter crash has left many dead and several others wounded in Siberia.

File photo
Ten people on board a Mi-8 helicopter, including employees of Russia's state oil company Rosneft, died when the aircraft crashed in the Krasnoyarsk region in Siberia on Thursday.

According to Reuters, the regional transport prosecutors have revealed that there were 25 people total on board. They made the revelation in a statement on their website www.zsproc.ru. They had earlier said that 15 out of 26 people on board died.

The civilian helicopter was carrying workers to an oil production site at Vankor, an oilfield belonging to Rosneft.

According to a Rosneft statement, there were three crew members and 22 passengers on board. It said that only 10 people, including three crew members, died.

In a statement, Rosneft said: "Causes of the incident are being investigated."
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