Are You About To Change Jobs? Check Out 4 Things You Must Look Out For Before You Go Ahead

Posted by Samuel on Thu 08th Aug, 2019 -

There are certain things you have to look out for when you try to change jobs. These are some of those things.

A job interview
As humans, growth is constant we always want to do better and be better. Often, we see ourselves changing jobs and aiming for better opportunities and higher pay.

Below are some things to look out for when you are changing jobs.

When looking for a new job, as much as you have to look out for the salary you will be paid, it is important to also consider the benefits you will get on the new job. Insurance, retirement contribution, paid time off, equity, bonuses, and more should all be considered and negotiated before agreeing to anything. These benefits are important in determining your input and output on the job.
Growth Opportunities

In addition, you must consider your growth opportunities on the job. Are there plans towards your growth and development in the company? During the interview process, be sure to ask about advancement opportunities within the company. Doing so will not only help paint a better picture for you of what a future with that employer may look like, but shows the hiring manager that you are looking to invest your time and talents in the company long-term.

Take it upon yourself to research on the company’s history. How often do they lay off their staff, do they constantly have legal issues, do the members of staff complain about poor treatment from the executive members. Is joining such work place a risk worth taking? Once you do your research and you are positive about them, then you can pursue your interest in the job.

Also, consider your proximity to the place. It is important to always get early to work, so, if you are too far away to the new job, it will affect how early you get to work and this can affect your productivity. You will get stressed out before you get to the office, this will affect the work you will be able to do daily.
Source: The Guardian
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