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Apostle Suleman Lied, David's Mother Was Not a Harlot...See Evidence

Posted by Thandiubani on Tue 25th Apr, 2017 - tori.ng

Controversial Nigerian pastor, Apostle Suleman has landed in another controversy as he is now being proved wrong after claiming the mother of the Biblical David was a prostitute.

Apostle Johnson Suleman
Following the controversial statement by Apostle Johnson Suleman of Omega Fire Ministries that David's mother was a prostitute, a Nigerian man, Oche Joseph Otorkpa has taken up the issue to prove that the man of God may have lied or misquoted the Bible.
Read below Otorkpa's hard facts:
Usually I stay off threads involving Apostle Johnson Suleman for two reasons:

1. I know something is not right somewhere.

2. I run the temptation of going against scriptures and enter into the relm of judging.

Unfortunately when I came across this screaming headline "Apostle Johnson Suleiman calls David mother a Harlort" I was alarmed, but I quickly decided to double check. This article is not meant to rubbish the clergy man or support his assertion but to present the truth.

Glancing through several scriptures, commentary, Jewish documents, books and internet Files here is what I discovered:

1. The Bible provides little detail about the mother of David the most revealing insight into David's family was made During Samuel's visit to 
Jesse's family to anoint a king

I Sam 16 verse 1-13

2. Searches revealed that The name of Davids mother was Nitzevet, an Israelite woman . according to the Talmud, but she is not named in the Bible. She was an ancestor of the Kings of Judah accordingly to Wikipedia


3 . According to records Jesse was not the first man Husband of Davids mother. Nahash an Amonite king was her first Husband
(2 Sam. 17:25, 2 Sam. 10:2) & (1 Sam. 11:1; 1 Sam. 12:12). 
Note : under the old testament ( Mosaic Law) divorce was allowed .

This explains why Davids two sister's where fathered by Nahash and not Jesse (David had two half-sisters (Zeruiah, Abigail) 1 Chron. 2:13-16 .

So why do few analyst and "scholars" refer to this woman as a harlot ?

1. Perhaps one of their greatest weapon could be found in one of greatest Psalms of David. Psalm 51 they claim his mother was pregnant out of marriage.

Let's take a close look at Psalm 51 
kindly note the emphasis David puts On himself..,

Psalm 51:1 Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out MY transgressions.2 Wash me throughly from MINE iniquity, and cleanse me from MY sin.3 For I acknowledge MY transgressions: and MY sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.

Unfortunately, most people who want to reinforce the notion of Promiscuity will run to verse 5b

"in Sin did my mother conceive me"

David was not blaming his sin on his birth, but he was simply stating that even the circumstances related to his birth were surrounded by sin, and he also says that he was ”wonderfully” and ”marvelously” made by God in the womb (Ps. 139:13-14). 

2. Another incident they try to use to justify this notion that does not edify is in 1 sam 16 asserting that Jesse did not consider David as one of his Sons that's why he was not considered as worthy of appearing before the prophet Samuel.

This is another speculation without any proof whatsoever.

Davids mother was not a harlot, even the Torah advocates and those who claim his brothers treated him as a second class citizens as a result of his prayer will bow to the fact that even before slaying Goliath, his brothers were very interested in Davids safety and wanted him out of harms way as quickly as possible.

His parents were together and during his crisis period he sought safety for them 

1 Samuel 22:3-4 "And David went thence to Mizpeh of Moab: and he said unto the king of Moab, Let my father and my mother, I pray thee, come forth, and be with you, till I know what God will do for me

The scriptures are explicit & God himself exposed the adulterous life of David as a king, if his mother was a harlot it would have been known, his blackmailers and enemies would have trumpeted it when he became a Israel's most wanted man . 

Rahab a Harlot was an ancestor of Jesus as clearly seen In Mathew Chapter 1 :5 but to claim that Davids Mother was a harlot might be misrepresenting the truth and taking speculative commentary too far, 

To end this little piece I will leave us with this scripture which has helped me from dwelling on unnecessary and unedificational theology.

'The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law" Deuteronomy 29 vs 29

Our emphasis should be on Jesus who died for our sins, surrender your life to him today and give your life a true meaning. 

Oche Joseph Otorkpa.

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