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Why I Don't Want to Talk About My Marriage Issues Now - Toke Makinwa

Posted by Daniel on Sun 26th Jul, 2015 -

The popular Vlogger has declined making a public comment on her troubled marriage nor her husband's public apology for putting another girl in the family way.

Toke and her hubby, Maje Ayida
Popular Vlogger, Toke Makinwa, has revealed why she hasn't directly addressed rumors that her marriage is strained at the moment.

Toke and her husband, Maje Ayida are reportedly living apart over allegations that he impregnated a former lover and flew her out of the country to be delivered of the baby.

However, Maje, who is a renowned fitness trainer, was the first party to break the silence last week when he admitted cheating on his wife with his longtime girlfriend, Anita Solomon.

In a public admittance of wrong doing, Maje apologised profusely to Toke, who he categorically said he was still in love with.

"I am writing to express my sincerest apologies to my wife. I was wrong, it is indefensible and I am sorry. I deeply regret what my wife and my family has had to endure. My behaviour has caused a lot of anguish to everyone. Though this matter has been very public in nature, it is a private issue and I would appreciate the opportunity to face it privately", he wrote on Instagram copying Toke in the post.

When Saturday Beats contacted the delectable OAP to get her reaction to Maje's public apology, she politely declined to comment on the issue.

"You have to understand that a lot is happening right now and I would rather not grant any interview or make any comment for now", she said.

Meanwhile, there are unconfirmed reports that Anita put to bed Maje's son last week in London.

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