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True Story: My Explosive S*xual Experience with a 'Total Stranger' When I Moved to Lagos

Posted by George on Mon 03rd Oct, 2016 -

A strong follower of the romance section on Tori News has sent in his romance story which paints a vivid picture of real life experiences.

Lagos, the financial nerve centre of Nigeria is a distinct part of the world so to speak with people of unique characters and different approaches to life. When I moved in from Osun State last year July, 2015, I noticed a lot of people over here were much business-minded than the Ile-Ife people I was accustomed to.

Nobody really cared about your looks or how funny you sound or even height. Those features took the second position on a woman's scale of preference. It was all about the material things may be considering the set of people I got acquainted with. I apologize for generalizing but my own experience was indeed awful. A monkey that probably hijacked its owner's Range Rover SUV and stormed a club house at Surulere could leave with at least two ladies with the heaviest endowments with the ladies expressing indifference about the animal tag.

The implication of this was that I was sidelined due to economic reasons. Things were difficult for the first three months. I was squatting with a friend and the transport fare was killing. I was almost spending what I would spend in moving around Ile-Ife for two weeks in just a day in Lagos. Work was hectic and there was no pretty lady to make this young man smile.

I ventured into online dating that has always worked for me but the Lagos market disqualified me. I met some fortune-seeking ladies who wanted me to drive down to their houses to pick them, head to an uncommon eatery on the Island (V.I or Lekki) and then drive them back home. For the first time in my life, I heard eateries like Mr Biggs, Tantalizers and Tasty Fried Chicken and others in this class were disqualified by some certain ladies who felt that some places are for 'beginners'. I knew I was doomed as I wasn't financially prepared to undertake such outings conveniently as my process of adaptation was far away from completion.

My friend who was already settled in Lagos as he was spending his second year in a multinational company changed girls like he was changing his 'boxers'. They came in unique sizes and after the show, he would share part of the gist with me. It was like torture as I spent some nights sleeping while my manhood was awake and erect like a security man watching over a commercial bank. As I continued to fail in getting a partner online, I decided to restrategize. I made it a point of duty to woo any available girl I meet on my way back home from work every day. It was a crazy idea but it worked like fire.

I summoned courage and started approaching available ladies as I returned from work as late as 8pm to 9pm. I must admit some days made me feel suicidal. Some naija babes wey ugly nor get joy oh! There was a particular lady with a very fine stature that I admired from a distance. I went after her as she made her way through the market. When I discovered that she was at a vantage spot where we could talk, I approached her. At times you need to ascertain clearly that the spot is not that crowded in the case of an embarrassment so that your neighbour wouldn’t see you being shouted at by a stranger.

I once tapped this lady on her shoulder and when she turned around; I saw the typical Ibadan tribal marks on her face, so conspicuous. Her English was as bad as the current Nigerian economy. In fact, her accent could kill. She starred at me in disgust and later increased the pace of her movement. I stepped up mine to catch up with her but she wasn't willing to talk. She even refused to give me her phone number by claiming she didn't have a phone. In summary, I lost that one.

I kept making attempts and I recorded a streak of failure until one fateful night when I was returning from work. Some average areas in Lagos have local film shops where a television is publicly displayed to show different programmes and at night some people do briefly gather and disperse. As I walked pass a film shop to buy some food items for the following day, I saw this young lady from afar. She was loaded on both sides. Her hips were killing as she rocked the common leggings. She joined the crowd at the film shop and was enjoying the programme being publicized. I really wanted to talk to her but there was no clear chance.
As a shy guy I am always scared of being embarrassed by a lady. I humbled myself and joined the queue with my corporate office outfit. I looked so odd among the majority of the people who were looking so rugged. After waiting impatiently for over 30 minutes with the hope that she would leave the spot, I decided to approach her in the midst of the crowd. I went close and whispered into her ears to spare me some minutes. She obediently followed me to my greatest surprise. She told me her name was Ayomide (not real me). Her English reeked of Yoruba language.
Even though I am from the South-east, I grew up in the South-west so I could speak Yoruba fluently. I quickly switched to Yoruba language to make her comfortable and also curry favour from her on the basis of tribalism. It was an advice from a womaniser friend. He used to complain that I speak too much English language which intimidates local ladies and at the long-run scuttle my chances of winning their hearts.

Speaking Yoruba worked like magic, she gave me her phone contact. I called her immediately I got home. I lied to her that life was lonely at home as I was living alone with no one to cook for me. She volunteered to come cook for me the next day. I wasn't interested in her food; to me she was the food lol

In summary, we met the following day - Friday at around 9pm. My friend was away for a departmental party. I realized Ayomide was a girl of a few words. She laid on bed and fiddled with the TV remote. She asked if I was married with kids and I replied no. She was so boring. I sensed I was wasting time so I devised some means to stylishly touch her at regular intervals. I even kissed her at a point and each time I did, I noticed she was breathing so hard like she had catarrh. One thing led to another and we got entangled in a sizzling romance. Her breasts were so succulent and considerably sizeable. I kept dipping my hands in between them like my money fell inside. Her buttocks were so impressive. After months of being celibate due to lack of choice, everything was strange to me. I located her private part and tried touching it through her trouser to arouse her.

Instantly, she shouted STOP! I swear I was ready to beg her with my entire salary to allow me have s*x with her. It was as if I was going to die without it. I tried to hear the reason for the resistance from her and to my amazement she said "where is your condom now? You can't enter like that oh"

Oh my! My 'condoms' were ready and well positioned. I grabbed one from the nearby wardrobe and wore it. As I was doing so, she was voraciously taking off her clothes. We both needed each other. As I entered her, I was in another realm. I cruised in and out. She was tight and the pleasure was sensational till I exploded.

When I climaxed, I started to feel she was a witch who was sent to steal my glory due to the easy way she came but the relief was worth the risk hahahaa! My body became light and free. Konji nor be better thing oh.

I dashed off to the kitchen to prepare her noodles and Sardine while she wore my shirt and knickers to prevent her from being rumpled. I was very hungry too so I took some noodles and much water as I was dehydrated.  She ate her food too and after that she hopped on the bed and started massaging my 'John Thomas'. I wasn't yet there but she wasn't ready to hear a no. I dived into the water of pleasure again.
This time it was hard for me to c*m which is normal. She was busy confessing love while I was in her. I kept hearing questions and statements like; do you love me? Are you sure? I love you! I really do!! She spoke better English during s*x compared to her understanding under normal circumstances.

I wasn't left out too, I was busy muttering; I love you body! You are too sweet!! I swear you are!!! I wish I recorded my own voice to laugh over it.

I was so elated. We had two more to make four and the romance session ended for the night. She woke me around 6am that she wanted to leave. I gave her some money as 'transport fare' and she disappeared into the dark.

I felt fulfilled sincerely. I have been in Lagos for almost two years now and we are still running a 'friends with benefit' relationship, making out time to see at least one in a month or two due to my crazy work schedule.

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