As the economy bites harder, prostitutes have now upgraded their game as they now have new tactics of making millions from their clients.
Prostitutes are now being given false celebrity identities through social media to deceive and defraud people
According to a report by
CCTV News, prostitutes have now fashioned out a new tactics to make millions off their clients and people. The report states that the “world’s oldest profession” has moved into the Internet age in China with prostitutes being given false celebrity identities and organizing through social media platforms like Weibo and WeChat.
CCTV News revealed that Shenzhen police busted a high-profile s*x racket involving fake models and female actors in 2015. The crime gang organized and promoted prostitution through the social media platform WeChat. The prostitutes posed as legitimate movie stars by holding forged identity cards to get around laws on pornography and prostitution.
One s*x worker for example claimed to be a beauty queen and an international leading model called Qiao Shengyi. It was even possible to search online and find hundreds of news articles about “Qiao” on the Internet, including stories that she had won a Las Vegas beauty pageant, with her even giving “exclusive” interviews about her awards.
All the stories however were an elaborate hoax with the prostitutes having to pay anywhere between 2,000 – 30,000 yuan for video shoots, fashion photography and model agency fees for the criminal gangs to create fake identities for them.
“Websites won’t verify the fact files of these ‘famous stars’. As long as they get paid, they will post it online,” Zhou Kun, a police officer of Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau, told CCTV News.
As well as paying for their fake online star identities, some prostitutes also paid large sums of money for cosmetic surgery to resemble real movie stars. Some even spent hundreds of thousands of yuan on plastic surgery in South Korea.
The result of the plastic surgery was thought to dramatically increase the amount the s*x workers could charge. Many of them possessed luxury cars when they were arrested by police.
The concern is that Internet-based prostitution can be harder to detect by the authorities and can spread more quickly and widely in comparison to “traditional” prostitution.
China’s Ministry of Public Security has launched two national operations to combat this type of Internet crime with 103 suspects being detained, involving 28 provinces and cities.